Xbox News


As most people know, the Xbox series has been one of the most anticipated set of products this year alongside the PlayStation 5. There are two consoles within the series called the X and S. The series S costs a whopping €200 less than the series X with a €500 price tag due to the series X being overall better and also contains a disk drive unlike the series S. Both consoles are extremely worth it to buy for their price and functionality because if you were to compare both consoles to a modern-day PC with similar specs it would cost over €1000 just for the S and beyond for the X. Before buying either console (if you are lucky enough to find one) you may want to consider which console may suit you the best by comparing the functionalities and features below.

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The series X contains a whopping 1TB SSD internal storage, gaming resolution of 4k which can raise up to 8k and a processor of 12 teraflops processing power compared to the series X which has 512GB SSD internal storage, 4 teraflops processing power and gaming resolution of 1440p. They also both share a frame rate of up to 120 FPS. The size of the massive Xbox series X is 15 x 15 x 30 centimeters and weighs 4.5kg and the tiny Xbox series S size is 6.5 x 15 x 27 centimeters and weighs just under 2kg. The size and weight may be a defining factor for purchasing either console because the Xbox series S is much more portable than the massive fridge that the Xbox series X is or would rather the massive Xbox series X due to its massive power that it holds. But unfortunately, before you go and choose an Xbox to buy you may want to consider finding one first, all stock is currently unavailable

The Xbox controller comes with both consoles and the controller is the typical Xbox controller build with a few extra details like a new hyrid D-pad with textured grip on triggers, bumpers and back-case. The Xbox controller is usually better than the PlayStation controller at the time but this year both controllers are equally matched and are very much similar. The only major difference between the two are where the analog sticks are located, the Xbox analog sticks are located top left and bottom right whereas the PlayStation controller analog sticks are both located in the middle side by side. Also, the Xbox controller can be bought on the website with special editions and stylings depending on which one you prefer.

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Xbox All Access Bundle


Going into the new generation of gaming, Microsoft is betting that people want to spend money on games in monthly installments. For the Xbox series X, that means paying €30 a month for 24 months via its new Xbox All Access Bundle, while the series S is available for €20 a month. This will be available in countries Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, South Korea, Sweden, the UK, and the US this year. This prestigious subscription service includes online multiplayer, monthly games made available, 100 Xbox titles including games like Forza Horizon 4 and games via EA play like FIFA, Sims and more, game streaming via xCloud and access to over 100 Windows 10 games including the newly released Microsoft Flight Simulator.


But before you click off this website angrily thinking playing online on Xbox costs the console price of €500/€300 and an extra cost of €800 for 2 years online then you are wrong. You can pay €10 a month for the Xbox Game Pass which has been continued from the past Xbox's for online multiplayer including the monthly games made available for lifetime use or just play offline games that you bought on your Xbox instead of having any means of online multiplayer. Also, the 2020 Game Awards livestream announced that many games are going to be made available soon via the Xbox game pass with popular games like Among Us, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition and more. The monthly games for December include The Raven Remastered, Bleed 2, Saints Row: Get Out of Hell and Stacking.

Xbox Stock Updates (Ireland And UK)

Unfortunately such brilliant products have its drawbacks and in this case, it's the stock, people have been trying and trying to get their hands on the latest Xbox's (and PlayStation's) but unfortunately the only people who have managed to get their hands on one are people who pre-ordered the console pre-release and some lucky people who refresh every local store's online store page every minute day and night. Lots of online bots have also bought the Xbox's reducing the stock for the consumers because people who own these illegal bots can resell the product for double the price online due to the lack of consoles currently available, buying from resellers can be very risky because there is a high chance you'll be swindled while feeding a reseller's back pocket. All the stock at multiple retailers ran dry shortly after orders opened at 8am GMT on launch day. As far as we are more Xbox's will re-stock early 2021 (if you are lucky) according to local retailers like Argos and Currys who only seemed to have restocked on November 12 but went in a matter of minutes.


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