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Fortnite News

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Recently Fortnite has come out with a new season of madness called Season 5 Chapter 2 which includes a variety of new skins, a new battle pass, a new map, new weapons and much more. The last season transitioned to this season by the story driven events which happen at the end of every season and if you missed that make sure to check out the trailer. Alongside this new season Fortnite have come out with lots of new popular content which have been released via the Game Awards 2020 and also the PS5 version of Fortnite which will transfer over all progress and includes much better graphics be sure to check out that trailer too which is included further down the page.

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Epic Games have officially released the new skin Kratos from God of War for Fortnite's battle royale. The developer revealed the new skin on Twitter, alongside an action-packed trailer that can be found further down the website. The skin also comes in a bundle with a glider, back bling and the iconic Leviathan Axe. An armoured version of the Kratos skin is exclusively given to Fortnite players on the PlayStation 5. Prior to the skin's release, the skin had been leaked online and hours after the leaks went public, Sony (the owners of God of War) seemingly confirmed the Kratos skin.

As announced at The Game Awards 2020, the next character to join Fortnite is the famed Spartan Master Chief from Halo. The Master Chief set is now available in the Item Shop. It can be bought individually or in the Master Chief Bundle with the rest of the set including a style for the skin that looks as if its powered, a UNSC Pelican Glider, a Battle Legend Back Bling, a Gravity Hammer Pickaxe and also a built in Emote which drives as a mini-M12 off-road vehicle. If you play a match of Fortnite on the Xbox Series X/S after purchasing the Master Chief outfit, you'll unlock the new outfit's Matte Black Style as Halo is a Xbox exclusive. Starting December 11, you can play a recreation of a classic multiplayer map from Halo on Fortnite Creative. The Creative Island was made by Atlas Creative, the goal of each game on the island is to capture the flag and battle it out. The creative island is available via the Fortnite Creative Featured Hub.


Cyberpunk 2077 News

  • This is an unofficial fan work and is not endorsed by CD PROJEKT RED

Cyberpunk 2077 is finally out after waiting 8 years since the first teaser trailer in 2012. The game released on Thursday, December 10 and has received overall mixed reviews. Unfortunately, the game release had quite a rocky start due to multiple bugs and performance issues. Despite its rocky start, the game looks amazing to say the least, if you are not sure of what this game is it is an open-world, action-adventure story set in Night City where you can customize your character's cyberware, skillset, playstyle, and can explore the vast city where the choices you make shape the story and world around you, sounds great doesn't it? If you're not already surprised Keanu Reeves' is also in the game in which he plays Johnny Silverhand.

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Cyberpunk has received a quick to response to get these issues solved as soon as possible by releasing a new Hotfix 1.04 that patches a load of bugs. The Hotfix includes fixes that are affecting playability, fixes that apply to issues with specific quests, general fixes to gameplay, visuals, performance and stability. The patch is now available for PS5, PS4 and PC, and Xbox should receive the new patch "as soon as possible". Another fix included is an epileptic fix where they have modified the flashing effect to reduce the risk of inducing epileptic symptoms. The effect has been smoothed out and flashes have reduced in frequency and magnitude. Lastly the patch notes detail a handful of PC specific and console-specific fixes that should make the overall experience a little smoother and also a nifty feature that disables copyrighted music called streamer mode for content creators.

The CD Projekt Red studio who have released Cyberpunk 2077 have a great reputation for making great games, like The Witcher 3 which won Game of the Year 2015, and Cyberpunk is no exception, the game has completely lived up to the hype, the ambitious and massive game was a complete success bringing a new generation to gaming. The story can take 25-30hrs to complete so there is plenty of story to do including quests. Even when you have completed everything CD Projekt Red have announced that multiplayer will be coming eventually although it was expected on release date but is not all that surprising considered that the game has been delayed multiple times this year.


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